July 7, 2008

Posting to McDonald's NextPlans website

All McDonald’s Staff

As of June 2008 McDonald's is requiring that we post all digital information to an online plan room at the end of a project or revision. There are two website involved here.
  • Sharpe Images. This is a outside reproduction firm McDonald's hired to manage their reproduction needs. This is where we upload our data to.
  • NextPlans. This is the McDonald's digital plan room. Contractors and vendors can log in to the website. Inside they can request the data/drawings they want and then purchase hard copies. Sharpe Images then prints and sends the info to the appropriate people.
The following list details the construction documents and related information to be post on-line.
  • Reports: (in pdf format)
    • Asbestos Sampling Survey
    • Phase I, II and/or III Environmental Site Assessment
    • Site Check
    • Soils Reports
  • Civil: (in pdf format)
    • Site Drawings
  • Building: (in pdf format)
    • Architectural
    • Structural
    • Mechanical
    • Plumbing
    • Electrical
    • Decor
    • PlayPlace Equipment
    • Playland/Outdoor Seating
  • Calculations (in pdf format)
    • Envelope Compliance
    • HVAC Load Analysis
    • Lighting Compliance
    • Mechanical Compliance
    • Storm Water Management
    • Structural Calculations
  • CAD Files (in dwg format)
    • Site Plan
    • Building Base Plan
    • Structural Framing Layout Base Plan
    • Building Reference Sections
    • Reflected Ceiling Plan
    • Mechanical Plan

Now that we know what needs to be posted. The follow procedure is how to post the data to the website.
  1. Gather all applicable information.
  2. Go to website http://sharpeimages.com/
  3. Click on the Upload Files link in the upper right portion of the site.
  4. Always choose the Dwight Evans Rd. location.
  5. Fill out the submittal form.
    1. Fill in your contact info.
    2. In the Subject line under the Job Information section include the McDonald's State ID number for the job being posted.
    3. Under Messages/Instructions you can write a quick summary on what is being posted.
  6. Check the option to have an email sent when the files are downloaded.
  7. Choose the upload method.
    1. The first method will bring up a dialog box where you choose each file one by one to upload. This is fine if you only have two or three files to upload. For example for a revision you only need to send the coversheet and any other sheets that have been revised.
    2. The second method will be faster for posting large amounts of info. You may need to install the java plug-in for it to work. This is a quick install. Simply click on the link "download and install" and follow the prompts. See Scott or Robert if you have any questions. When using this method you can drag and drop files from a Windows Explorer window. You can also add a folder to send everything inside.
  8. Click the Upload Button.
After posting the information to the Sharpe Images website Ray Nadimi at McDonald's Corporate will receive an email message letting him know that data has been posted. When he reviews and gives final approval the information will be available on the NextPlans website for us and others to see.

For a checklist go to Q:\Office Forms\McDonalds Forms\McD Posting Checklist.pdf