July 31, 2007

File Naming Conventions

All cad file names will fall into the following categories.

Reference Drawings

These are design files such as floor plans or elevations, typically used as reference files in a number of sheet files. File names for these files are as follows:

X= Reference File
A= Architectural
BASE= Plan (Floor plans)

X= Reference File
A= Architectural
ELEV= Elevations (includes both Exterior and Interior)

X= Reference File
A= Architectural
SECT= Sections (Wall Sections, Building Section)

X= Reference File
G= General
TBLK= Titleblock

The first two characters shall be changed per discipline as needed. Here are some examples of Reference files:

XE-BASE = Electrical Baseplan
XS-BASE = Structural Baseplan
XP-ELEV = Plumbing Elevations

Sheet Drawings:

These are files that are plotted to produce the documents. All Annotations are placed in these files. File names for the sheet drawings are defined as follows based on AIA National CAD Standards.

A= Architectural sheet
1= Plans (Sheet type, See below for list)
01= Sheet number (numbers in sequence)

A= Architectural sheet
2= Elevations (Sheet type, See below for list)
01= Sheet number (numbers in sequence)

M= Mechanical sheet
5= Details (Sheet type, See below for list)
01= Sheet number (numbers in sequence)

Disciplines for the sheets:

A= Architectural
C= Civil
E= Electrical
L= Landscape
LS= Life Safety
H= Hood sheet
P= Plumbing
M= Mechanical
S= Structural
SP= Specification sheet
T= Title sheet
Q= Equipment

Sheet Types for the sheet:

0 = General (symbols legends, notes, overall plans)
1 = Plans (horizontal views)
2 = Elevations (vertical views)
3 = Sections (sectional views, wall sections)
4 = Large-Scale Views (plans, elevations, sections)
5 = Details
6 = Schedules and Diagrams

**All sheets in a project should be a combination of these designations.**