December 11, 2007

Friday Cad News Issue 03

In this weeks newsletter I will show you where to find the approved Appendix B worksheet, point you to some valuable websites for cad training, and how to find a lost toolbar in AutoCad. If you have questions on something or have a topic to discuss let me know.

Frequently asked questions

"Where can I find the approved Appendix B worksheet drawing?

CAD Manager:
  • The approved Appendix B drawing can be found on your LMHT Annotation Tool Palette. If you need help finding this see the How to section on Using Tool Palettes. We can thank Michael Palmer for creating this drawing to match the current City of Raleigh Appendix B.
Please use this file as a starting point for all projects going forward.


In this section I would like to talk a little about cad training. In the coming months we will be starting up our lunch -n- learn series again. As the company continues to grow, training becomes more and more important. Not only for new employees but to keep the existing staff knowledgeable in current software. In addition to our in house training I would strongly encourage all cad users to do some self paced training. Below are some resource I use to stay ahead of the curve.

AUGI - Autodesk User Group International

Autodesk User Group International, officially recognized by Autodesk as representing the Autodesk user community. AUGI has two prime directives.
  • The first is to assist its members by presenting programs and information that will enhance their use of Autodesk products.
  • The second is to deliver the voice of the user community to Autodesk, thus assisting Autodesk in product development and giving users a say in the process.

AUGI provides an environment for users to help users. It offer programs and services that allow the Autodesk user community access to one another and to Autodesk. The goal is to implement programs that are lacking in the Autodesk community rather than compete with programs already available to users. Their motto is "Users Helping Users". They work very hard to promote our membership as a community working together to strengthen each other and the community in general.

One of the best sections of this site is AUGI Education. Below are just a few of the educational offerings that AUGI provides to help its members sharpen their technical skills.

The AUGI Training Program (ATP) is online supplemental training offered free of charge to AUGI members. New ATP courses are available each month.

AUGI CAD Camp is a full-day learning and networking event held in cities worldwide. Attendees walk away from this AU-style event with tips, tricks and new techniques guaranteed to make them more productive immediately.

AUGI CAD Matinee is a half-day learning and networking event similar in style to AUGI CAD Camp, except that CAD Matinee courses focus on technology for specific industries or disciplines.

Autodesk University Class Handouts are materials from courses offered at past AU events. They are available for download from our website.

Tips and Tricks

I will explain how to bring back a toolbar in case you have lost it by mistake. This is a very frequent thing that happens to AutoCAD users. The reason is that, while you are dragging a TOOLBAR from place to place, you might have accidentally dropped it outside the viewable screen. Solution is pretty simple:

Type ‘-toolbar’ into the command line, then follow the instructions below:

Command: -toolbar
Enter toolbar name or [ALL]: modify
Enter an option [Show/Hide/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Float] : f
Enter new position (screen coordinates) (0,0): 150,150
Enter number of rows for toolbar (1):

The reason why we write ‘–toolbar’ is that, we would like to follow the commands from the command line. Then, let’s write ‘Modify’ which is the name of the toolbar you are looking for. Then let’s write ‘f’ (float) option which makes it floating over the screen. It is enough to enter 150, 150 as position. Press enter for the following command and the toolbar will be visible on the upper left side.
