October 30, 2007

Make Revisions to a Drawing Set

Revisions are something everyone will have to do at sometime while working on projects. Mistakes and omissions are only human. We work hard not to make mistakes, but somethings they happen.

So what are revisions? Revisions are changes made to the drawing set after it has been approved. This approval can be from a city/county building department or maybe just the client. Most of time we make revisions to drawings after we receive comments from an approval source.

Follow the steps outlined below to make a revision to a drawing set.

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the project directory in which you want to make a revision. Go to the folder where the drawing files are saved.
  2. In the drawing folder, Create a new folder named ORIG. This is for the archived originals.
  3. Copy all xref drawings to this new folder. Include all baseplans and titleblocks. Xrefed files will usually start with an X. When in doubt copy it anyway.
  4. Open the specific drawing file that you need to revise and immediately save that drawing as the same name with a R1 added to it. For example, A1.0R1, where A1.0 was the original file name).
  5. Make the appropriate revisions to the drawing.
  6. Cloud the revisions using the revision tools.
  7. Xref in the REV1 block. (See How To section on creating REV blocks)
  8. Save and close the drawing.
  9. Back in Explorer, move the original unrevised drawing file to the ORIG folder created in step 2.
It is very important that we have a record copy of what each revision involved. This procedure insures that we have all versions of a specific sheet saved.