October 22, 2008

Print room procedure

Scanning Procedure

Insert sheets into scanner.


Example: Project # 08228
When scanning in a project use the following format:

  • Project #-sheet name-automatic scanned number (08228-CS-001.tiff)

  • All first time jobs will be placed in the folder “Original”

  • Folder structure will be

  1. Drive : N:\

  2. Client : Noodles

  3. Project number : 08228

  4. Project status : Original or Rev1 or Rev2

  • .tif files and job files will be located in the project status folders

  • “Original folder” will contain all the .tif files originally scanned for that project, along with the original job file which is named with the project number.

  • 08228.job

The Rev folders will contain the revision .tif files along with (2) new job files

First new Job file will contain all the .tif files with the old pages removed from the Job and the revision pages inserted. “08228-R1-FULL.job”

Second new Job file will contain only the Revision pages. “08228-R1-SHEETS.job”

The same process is repeated for Rev2, Rev3, Rev4………………

September 17, 2008

Clicking on the Settings button in the Layer Properties Manager shows this dialog box. It allows you to evaluate what should happen when new layers are added to a drawing. Even xrefs can be evaluated and you can be notified on different actions like Open, Save, Attach/Reload xrefs, Insert, Restore layer state and Plot. In a multi-user environment this functionality is useful as a help so you don't end up plotting a drawing with new layers that you are not aware of.

Unreconciled New Layers is a notification that lets you know that new layers have been found. If you right click on the Unreconciled New Layers icon you can also access the New Layer Notification Settings.

Unreconciled New Layers is a temporary filter that shows the layers that can be reconciled using right click. Being a filter makes it also easy to review the layers before acting on them.

I understand that lately this warning has become a nuisance. Because of that, a new routine has been added to the startup of AutoCAD. The routine sets variables within each drawing that suppresses the balloon notification. Unfortunately, the setting is not global but drawing specific. When you open a drawing for the first time the balloon will appear. Close the balloon and continue with your work. When you’re done, save and close the drawing as you normally would. From this point forward anytime the drawing is opened you will not receive the balloon notification.

July 8, 2008

Transfering data using Info Exchange

The Info Exchange Server is a Web-enabled server that enables LMHT employees to exchange project files with others easily and securely. It provides email notifications, reminders, automated expiration (deletion), and a history log (audit trail) for all posted file transfers. After you send files to Info Exchange, others can access the transfer and track its status. Additionally, a compressed .ZIP file containing the file contents of each file transfer sent or received via Info Exchange is automatically saved to the record copy location designated for the project, eliminating the need for employees to separately save copies of transferred files.

Info Exchange is a lot like a FTP site, but better. In order to access the Info Exchange Server for a specific project y
ou need to be on either the internal or external teams.
  • The internal team is composed of project team members from LMHT Associates. Internal project team members can send and receive file transfers and transmittals to and from their Info Exchange Server using Project Center.

  • The external team is composed of contacts from other companies that with LMHT Associates on projects. External project team members who have been provided with login credentials to LMHT Associates' Info Exchange server can send and receive file transfers and transmittals using their web browsers.

To add team members using the Project Team activity center. On the Project Home page for any project. Click on the Project Team link. (see below)

When a new project is first started, there are no internal or external project team members.

In the Task Panel in the upper left, choose the Add option.

You will have two options.

  • Add > Internal Team Members

Click to open the Add Internal Project Team Members dialog box to add a contact to the internal project team. You can filter the list to help make your selections. Place a check box next to the contact/s you would like to add.

  • Add > External Team Members

Click to open the Add External Project Team Members dialog box to add a contact to the external project team. You can filter the list to help make your selections. Place a check box next to the contact/s you would like to add. This will send the contact an email letting them know that they have been assigned as part of the project team and gives them access to the Info Exchange Server through a login and password.

If you need a new contact that is not listed. You can add a new contact by selecting the ADD NEW... button. Fill in as much info as you can. The new contact is added to the global contacts database for everyone to access.

Now with the project team set we can transfer data using Info Exchange.

Back on the Project Home page for any project.
Click on the Info Exchange link. (see below)

In the Task Panel in the upper left, choose the New File Transfer.

In the next dialog choose Yes, fill out and record Project
Transmittal. This will save a record of what was sent and to whom and when it was downloaded.

Next, you will see the Transmittal Form below. (see image below)

Fill out like an email message.

  1. To... Just like email here. Select from the team members that you set up already.
  2. Put in a subject from what you are sending. It's helpful to include the project number/name here.
  3. Remark Tab
    • You can write a short email here.
  4. Description of Contents Tab
    • This is a list of what files are being sent. Tip: Access this area after you have selected the files that you want to transfer. It will fill in automatically with what you choose in the Files To Transfer Tab when you select the Populate from File to Transfer button.
  5. Files To Transfer Tab
    • Click the Add Files or Add Folder to select the data that you wish to send.
    • If you are sending AutoCAD files there is on need to select all the xrefs. You can just select the sheet files you want to send. Info Exchange will then grab the needed xref files automatically. Nice feature!
Click the Create and Transfer Button. This will bring up an Options dialog box. Set it to look like the following image. This is a one time setting. It will stay this way until there is some reason to change it in the future.

Click OK to finish.

Info Exchange will then post the data to the server for downloading.

You will be sent an email when the the data is downloaded. You can also track the data from within the Info Exchange Center.

July 7, 2008

Posting to McDonald's NextPlans website

All McDonald’s Staff

As of June 2008 McDonald's is requiring that we post all digital information to an online plan room at the end of a project or revision. There are two website involved here.
  • Sharpe Images. This is a outside reproduction firm McDonald's hired to manage their reproduction needs. This is where we upload our data to.
  • NextPlans. This is the McDonald's digital plan room. Contractors and vendors can log in to the website. Inside they can request the data/drawings they want and then purchase hard copies. Sharpe Images then prints and sends the info to the appropriate people.
The following list details the construction documents and related information to be post on-line.
  • Reports: (in pdf format)
    • Asbestos Sampling Survey
    • Phase I, II and/or III Environmental Site Assessment
    • Site Check
    • Soils Reports
  • Civil: (in pdf format)
    • Site Drawings
  • Building: (in pdf format)
    • Architectural
    • Structural
    • Mechanical
    • Plumbing
    • Electrical
    • Decor
    • PlayPlace Equipment
    • Playland/Outdoor Seating
  • Calculations (in pdf format)
    • Envelope Compliance
    • HVAC Load Analysis
    • Lighting Compliance
    • Mechanical Compliance
    • Storm Water Management
    • Structural Calculations
  • CAD Files (in dwg format)
    • Site Plan
    • Building Base Plan
    • Structural Framing Layout Base Plan
    • Building Reference Sections
    • Reflected Ceiling Plan
    • Mechanical Plan

Now that we know what needs to be posted. The follow procedure is how to post the data to the website.
  1. Gather all applicable information.
  2. Go to website http://sharpeimages.com/
  3. Click on the Upload Files link in the upper right portion of the site.
  4. Always choose the Dwight Evans Rd. location.
  5. Fill out the submittal form.
    1. Fill in your contact info.
    2. In the Subject line under the Job Information section include the McDonald's State ID number for the job being posted.
    3. Under Messages/Instructions you can write a quick summary on what is being posted.
  6. Check the option to have an email sent when the files are downloaded.
  7. Choose the upload method.
    1. The first method will bring up a dialog box where you choose each file one by one to upload. This is fine if you only have two or three files to upload. For example for a revision you only need to send the coversheet and any other sheets that have been revised.
    2. The second method will be faster for posting large amounts of info. You may need to install the java plug-in for it to work. This is a quick install. Simply click on the link "download and install" and follow the prompts. See Scott or Robert if you have any questions. When using this method you can drag and drop files from a Windows Explorer window. You can also add a folder to send everything inside.
  8. Click the Upload Button.
After posting the information to the Sharpe Images website Ray Nadimi at McDonald's Corporate will receive an email message letting him know that data has been posted. When he reviews and gives final approval the information will be available on the NextPlans website for us and others to see.

For a checklist go to Q:\Office Forms\McDonalds Forms\McD Posting Checklist.pdf

May 22, 2008

How to Create Record Sets


In order to better serve our clients, we have decided to implement a procedure that will enable everyone access to the most current signed/sealed drawings available on any given project. This is very important to have if a contractor calls and wants clarification on something. We all need to be looking at the same data. This data is currently stored on the Printing Dept. local hard drive.

The procedure outlined below should be taken after each and every formal submittal of drawings. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Building Permit Submittals
  • Code Comments
  • Revisions
  • Owner changes
Basically any changes to the drawings that are transmitted to someone out of office. I use the simple rule of if it's signed/sealed and sent out, then this process needs to be done.

Software Needed:

  • Windows Explorer
  • Adobe Acrobat, not Reader
If you currently do not have Acrobat, please see the IT dept. for help.


Open Adobe Acrobat.
  1. Click the arrow on the "Create PDF" button.
  2. Choose "From Multiple Files" option.

3. Click the Browse... button.

4. Browse to the N:\ drive. This is where the Print Dept has saved all the scanned sealed/signed drawings. Find the correct project folder . The folders are setup by client first then by job number.

5. Next you need see if the tiff files are in the correct order. You can determine this by previewing the first .tiff file named 72520000 where 07252 is the project number. If this is the cover sheet proceed to step 7. If it's not the cover sheet see step 6.

6. If it is the not the cover sheet you will need to reverse the sheet order. To get the sheets in the reverse order right click in the white part of the window and select Arrange Icons By-Name.

7. With the sheets in order, highlight all the .tiff files and select Add.

8. Now with files loaded into Adobe you will notice that the first sheet is out of order. Select it and move it to the bottom of the list using the Move Down button.

9. Click OK to finish.

10. Adobe will process all the tiffs and make one file named Binder1.pdf. You will now have a multiple-page PDF file of the sealed/signed drawings. Review the set to make sure that you have all the sheets listed on the cover sheet and that they are in the correct order.
Tip: I like to use the Page tab on the left side to move sheets around if needed. You can just drag them around to the correct order.

11. You may need to insert additional pages into this file as required. In our example we need to insert the additional fire protection drawings to complete the set. This is done in Adobe by selecting Document from the pull-down menu, then Pages and then selecting Insert.

12. Browse to the additional files needed and highlight them.

13. Click OK.

14. Next choose where you would like the sheets inserted into the set. You can place them before or after any sheet. When you have these set click OK.

The new sheets will be added to the file. Again you can use the Page Tab on the left side to move sheets around if required.

15. Use the File pull-down and the Save-As... button the save the Binder1.pdf file in the appropriate project directory under the Z:\ drive.

16. If it doesn't already exist create a folder called Record Sets in the project directory by right clicking and selecting New---Folder.

17. Select the Record Sets folder and save the pdf file with a name starting with the date then a short description of the file. For example: 05.23.08_Building Permit Set or 06.11.07_Revision 4 Set.

18. Click Save.

We now have a complete set of what was sent out for that release. It is easily accessed by anyone with or without AutoCAD.

When we revise a set of drawings it will be done in similar manner. Click here to see how to make a revision to a record set.